Does anybody still believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone? Hoover pompously claimed the case against Oswald was air-tight. The boast merits ridicule because the belief that Lee Harvey Oswald used a cheap mail-order rifle to singlehandedly fire a rapid, crossfire succession of deadly accurate, magic bullets is preposterous. According to Warren Commissioner, Congressman Hale Boggs, "Hoover lied his eyes out to the Commission-on Oswald, on Ruby, on their friends... you name it." According to Warren Commissioner, Senator Russell, "We have not been told the truth about Oswald." Indeed, Hoover did not demonstrate a single genuine interest to conduct any investigation and those who did, died. Dorothy Kilgallen appropriately ridiculed Warren Report conclusions and on March 20, 1964, she wrote: "The point to be remembered in this historic case is that the whole truth has not been told. Neither the State of Texas nor the defense put all of its evidence before the jury. Perhaps it was not necessary, but it would have been desirable from the viewpoint of all the American people." Dorothy correctly called the Warren Report "laughable" and her threat to "to break the real story" explains the cause of her death. Jean Hill was so close to the President when he was shot that she saw gunfire "literally blow his head away." Calling the Warren Report an absolute fraud and an outright lie, Hill's version of the truth disturbed the official position to the point where she was followed everywhere, her phone was tapped and her mail was opened - which is exactly what Hoover's FBI did in the 1960's. Jean Hill disturbed the official version of truth because she heard between 4-6 shots fired. The Warren Report recorded only three. Competent investigators like Harold Weisberg conclusively proved that eyewitnesses like Jean Hill were in fact reliable. He proved that one of the shots the Warren Report ignored damaged the curbside and was mysteriously patched up to make it appear as though it did not exist. Jean Hill had every reason to think that the Warren Report was a hoax because she also witnessed a man flee from the area of the grassy knoll. The heavy burden of opposing the Warren Report hoax stressed out genuine witnesses and Jean Hill manifested all the frustration when she said: "For two years I have told the truth, but I have two children to support and I am a public school teacher. My principal said it would be best not to talk about the assassination, and I just can't go through it all again. I can't believe the Warren Report. I know it's all a lie, because I was there when it happened, but I can't talk about it anymore because I don't want the FBI here constantly and I want to continue to teach here. I hope you don't think I'm a coward but I cannot talk about the case anymore." The absolute zeal to frame Lee Harvey Oswald through the so-called "magic bullet" he allegedly fired from the Texas School Book Depository was in such pristine condition, it could not have possibly been used to kill the President. More grains of metal were in fact recovered from Governor Connally's wrist wound alone than were missing from the "magic bullet" or Warren Commission exhibit 399. According to Dr. Robert Shaw, Connally's surgeon, "I am sure that the bullet that inflicted these wounds on Governor Connally was fragmented much more than this bullet shows." The inconsistency between the pristine bullet that Hoover identified in his 29, November 1963 memo and the damage that was inflicted proves that the magic bullet was planted for the sole purpose of framing Lee Harvey Oswald. Daryl Tomlinson, the Parkland hospital employee who found the "magic bullet" indicated that the stretcher from which it was discovered was not even related to the Kennedy assassination. The person who planted it was evidently in a hurry. Harold Weisberg, the foremost Kennedy assassination researcher and expert indicated that both the FBI and the Secret Service privately chuckled over the purported path the "magic bullet" travelled and concurred to the theory that "the first shot hit President Kennedy and nobody else. The second shot hit Governor Connally and nobody else. And the third bullet hit President Kennedy and nobody else." FBI agents were not gullible enough to accept the nonsense the Warren Report promoted. No FBI agent worked on the report without "express orders" from Hoover. Direct access to FBI agents was forbidden and any agent who violated the strict control that Hoover imposed was severely disciplined. Strict directives frustrated an independent probe to the point where all the findings merely echoed Hoover's fraudulent declarations. Hoover's investigative hoax produced 25,000 FBI reports, but according to the estimate of a Warren Commission staff lawyer, 90% of the reports were not immediately relevant to the assassination. According to Liebeler, a lawyer who worked for the Commission, the case against Oswald "read like a brief for the prosecution." Who was Lee Harvey Oswald? He was an American Patriot who pretended to be pro-Castro because he had been trying to gather information about pro-Castro activities for the authorities and that made him an ideal patsy -the American spy who was set up to take the blame for the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The Cold War had produced a culture of lying and false cover stories which concealed genuine identity to facilitate undercover efforts to gather information about America's perceived enemies. Even President Eisenhower had played that game. When Gary Powers was assumed dead after being shot down by the Soviets, President Eisenhower pretended that he was a weather research pilot who had accidentally crashed and died. The lie failed to protect the covert mission of U-2 spy pilot Dave Powers because he was captured alive and exposed to be an American spy. Lee Harvey Oswald was captured alive and murdered for the same reason that Eisenhower had lied - to deny the opportunity to blow his cover. When Lee Harvey Oswald was captured alive, Lyndon Johnson was overwhelmed by the same anxiety and obsession that was evoked by the failure to conceal the real mission of Dave Powers. Indeed, the panicked Lyndon Johnson personally called the hospital after Ruby had shot Oswald, to find out whether he was still alive. In his book, "Conspiracy of Silence", Dr. Charles Crenshaw, the surgeon who struggled to save the lives of both Kennedy and Oswald, describes the absolute chaos and obsession that occupied the time between the act of shooting Oswald and time that he was pronounced to be dead. According to Dr. Crenshaw, who struggled to save Lee Harvey Oswald; "After the major bleeding had been brought under control, I looked up and took a deep breath. When I did, I spotted a large man across the room whom I didn't recognize... Most alarming there was a pistol hanging from his back pocket. If it had fallen to the floor, it could have discharged and killed somebody." Dr. Crenshaw gave the pistol-packing intruder a cap and gloves because he didn't want him to contaminate the operating room with bacteria. He put it on without comment and as Dr. Crenshaw turned around a nurse tapped him on the shoulder and asked if he would take a telephone call in the supervisor's office.
When Dr. Crenshaw entered the office, he picked up the receiver on the desk.
"This is Dr. Crenshaw, may I help you?" Mobster Jack Ruby shot Oswald, but it was Lyndon Baines Johnson who made it certain that there was absolutely no prospect for him to survive to be able to tell the truth. A living Oswald threatened to challenge the cover story that he was a violent, deranged, pistol-packing Communist subversive. In 1959, Lee Harvey Oswald travelled to Moscow, renounced his U.S. citizenship and declared his intention to sell America's defense secrets to the Russians. In 1962, Oswald returned to the United States with a new Russian wife and settled in Fort Worth Texas. If was not a phony defector he would have been convicted for espionage upon entry to the US. Instead, he got the welcome of an American Patriot in 1962 and at the age of 19 Oswald had been given a security clearance of "confidential" and was assigned to the naval station at Atsugi, Japan, one of the bases from which the CIA launched secret reconnaissance flights over Russia. As a radar operator, Oswald tracked U-2 spy planes as they took off and returned. The only people who questioned Oswald's loyalty are those who were in the dark. His espionage training included learning the Russian language and acquaintances who did not have his level of security clearance were not in a position to understand what Lee Harvey Oswald was in fact up to. In effort to secure the trust of the Soviets, Oswald wrote, "In the event of war I would kill any American, who put on a uniform in defense of the United States of America." According to a reliable fellow marine, Nelson Delgato, Oswald was a very quiet, intellectual young man who listened to classical music and played chess. The young, high school drop out who joined the marines in 1956 when he was only seventeen years old, was merely a Cold War foot soldier, nothing more and nothing less. Indeed, the Cold War was very hot for those who engaged it. Hundreds of American airmen who flew secret missions over the Soviet Union were either killed when they were shot down or they were tortured and subsequently "eliminated" after being captured alive by the Soviets. Each one of these victims had a cover story to keep the truth buried. Likewise, fake defectors like Lee Harvey Oswald spied on the Soviet at the behest of the government, they were not Communists. The ideal patsy, to be sure, but he is anything but responsible for the murder of President John F. Kennedy. CIA operative Robert Murrow, was responsible for purchasing the so-called "sniper's den" rifle that linked Oswald to the Kennedy assassination. Murrow passed the rifle on to fellow CIA operative David Ferrie, the bizarre intelligence spook who had cultivated a secret relationship with Oswald and had taken great pains to conceal the fact that his involvement with Oswald was active up until the day Oswald was arrested for murdering the President of the United States. Murrow passed the rifle on to Ferrie because he was led to believe that it was going to be used in a South American assassination plot. Ferrie unknowingly used the rifle to set Oswald up. Since Oswald was a phony defector, McNamara's Pentagon and Rusk's State Department were clearly complient in the plot to keep the truth buried. The Pentagon destroyed Oswald's military file. State Department officials were also "in the know." In fact, on June 24, 1963, when Oswald applied for a new American passport to travel to Cuba, his application was instantly wired and processed within twenty-four hours - Cold War efficiency at its finest. Americans who were not on "special assignment" were certainly denied that sort of access. They were not even free to travel to a restricted country like Cuba and if Lee Harvey Oswald was not a covert operative who engaged the effort to spy on the enemies of the United States, his travel to Cuba would have been deemed to be illegal. The world of Jack Ruby, the man who silenced Lee Harvey Oswald to keep his mouth shut was equally problematic. As the payoff man for the Dallas Police, Jack Rubys’s longstanding connections with the Mafia and law enforcement had developed and fully matured by 1963. Those who were acquainted with the power structure that organized crime developed described Ruby's role in the following terms: "Most simply think that, say, a gambler exchanges money to the cop in return for protection of his interests. And that's as far as the relationship goes. Really, it goes one step further. The criminal will also give the policeman information about his underworld competitors. The cop goes out and busts them, allowing his illicit source of income to develop nothing less than a 'privileged sanctuary.' With all these other arrests under his belt, the cop compiles a respected reputation while his other relationships grow." According to the Warren Report, Jack Ruby was friendly with about 25-50 policemen. According to reliable sources, Ruby knew more than half of the 1200 men on the Dallas Police. Indeed, out of "the 75 or so policemen who were present when Oswald was killed, at least 40 knew Ruby." Former Dallas County Sheriff Steve Cuthrie indicated that as early as 1947, Jack Ruby was the designated frontman for Chicago mobsters who planned to control gambling and police payoffs. Luis Kutner, a Chicago attorney and a former staff lawyer for the Kefauver Committee that investigated organized crime in 1950, testified before the Warren Commission and indicated that Jack Ruby was "a syndicate lieutenant who had been sent to Dallas to serve as a liaison for Chicago mobsters." When Jack Ruby murdered Oswald, Hoover pompously blamed the media instead of the corruption that had produced Jack Ruby. According to the Warren Report: "The Commission believes that the news media, as well as the police authorities, who failed to impose conditions more in keeping with the orderly process of justice, must share responsibility for the failure of law enforcement which occurred in connection with the death of Oswald." When Jack Ruby was arrested, Hoover controlled his destiny as "the FBI was supplying Ruby with small change for use in the phone, to encourage his indiscriminate placement of carefully monitored calls." Jack Ruby publicly commented as follows; "Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to the surface. The world will never know the true facts of what occurred [or] my motive... The people [who] have so much to gain and had such an ulterior motive to put me in the position I am in.. will never let the true facts [be known] to the world." The world of Jack Ruby, Hoover's FBI and the Mafia had come together in the 1950's, when mutual interest over Cuba had made them convenient allies. In 1959, covert, anti-Castro operations were flourishing and gun-running campaigns to arm a popular counter-revolution were enthusiastically embraced by both Mafia and American intelligence operatives. When Jack Ruby travelled to and from Cuba with American, State Department approval, he essentially "blew his cover". The revolution in Cuba had undermined Havana's status as the world capital of organized crime and both the Mafia and Hoover's FBI agents illegally engaged the anti-Castro crusade and reported directly to FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover. Ruby's known liaison with the FBI was interlocked by several trips to Cuba and that betrayed the longstanding, covert relationship which facilitated the opportunity to attempt to cover up the truth about the Kennedy assassination. The Director of the FBI falsely claimed that Ruby's liaison with the FBI ended in October of 1959, but in the words of FBI agents who knew better, "no FBI agent would meet a potential informant nine (known) times unless he was getting positive results." The truth is, the bond between Jack Ruby and Hoover's FBI was an operational anti-Communist crusade -more like a lifelong bond than something that had ever ended. J. Edgar Hoover, Jack Ruby and and his kind navigated a world of double and triple agents where lies were so complex that the truth never publicly surfaced. For example, the now well publicized CIA/Mafia plots to assassinate Castro were never supposed to be disclosed to anybody until J. Edgar Hoover deliberately used the allegations to cover for his pals. The CIA/Mafia plots were first brought to the attention of Robert Kennedy in the context that the liaison between the CIA and the Mafia had terminated. Hoover disclosed the so-called CIA/Mafia plots when friends like Mafia pal Sam Giancana were subject to criminal prosecution over an illegal wiretap they had planted and in order to find a way to grant them immunity for prosecution, Hoover circulated a memo about the "CIA's clandestine efforts against the Castro government." Robert Kennedy didn't know what Hoover was talking about and demanded elaboration. Hoover followed up by indicating that the prosecution of Giancana "would lead to exposure of most sensitive information relating to the abortive Cuban invasion in April 1961." In response to his concerns, on 7 May 1962, Lawrence Houston, general counsel to the CIA told Kennedy that the CIA had recruited Giancana to murder Castro and that the Las Vegas prosecution threatened to expose national security secrets. The fact that the government had cooperated with his enemies infuriated and embarrassed Attorney General Robert Kennedy and master blackmailer, J. Edgar Hoover, was able to obtain the concessions he demanded to cover up the illegalities of his friends. Indeed, mobsters like Johnny Roselli and Sam Giancana relied upon the fact they had cultivated relations with corrupt law enforcement officials like Hoover and successfully exploited their alleged involvement in plots to assassinate Castro. Hatched during the Eisenhower administration, covert plots to murder Castro were the familiar territory of, J. Edgar Hoover, the Mafia and even Richard Richard Nixon, who was Eisenhower's vice president since 1956. In August of 1960, the plots had begun quietly and sinisterly and the Kennedys never found out until 1962 when J. Edgar Hoover wanted to use the information in effort to protect his allies. Plots to murder Castro were also an integral part of the Bay of Pigs operation, and speaking about the invasion project in 1964, Nixon said, "I had been the strongest and most persistent advocate for setting up and supporting such a program." Philip Bonsal, American ambassador to Cuba in 1959 called Nixon the "father of the operation" and according to Howard Hunt, Brigadier General Robert Cushman told him that Nixon was "the project's action officer in the White House". Richard Nixon was so heavily involved in plans to murder leftists in Cuba, he had even selected Castro's successor, Mario Kohly Jr., the son of a right-wing Cuban exile. Richard Nixon and Kohly had agreed to plan "for the elimination of Miro Cardona and all the leftist Cuban Revolutionary Front leaders in order that Kohly could immediately take over the reigns of power in Cuba, once a successful invasion of exiles being trained by the CIA had been accomplished... [Manuel] Artime [commander of the Cuban Brigade] and his followers were to be assassinated by [Kohly's] forces once a successful landing had been accomplished." When the elder Kohly was indicted and convicted for conspiring to counterfeit Cuban pesos, Nixon wrote to Judge Weinfeld and asked him to suspend or reduce his sentence on the grounds that "the patriotism, courage and energy of the exiles in attempting to mount a counterrevolution have been in the past, and may in the future again be regarded as advantageous to the interests of the United States." Most people more than likely lack the understanding that it was actually the Mafia, not the CIA, that hatched the original plot to kill Castro. In fact, it was Mafia Mogul Meyer Lansky who initially "indicated to the CIA that some of his people who were still on the island, or those who were just going back, might assassinate Castro." With hundreds of Cubans at his disposal, Lansky believed he could easily recruit a couple of gunmen to assassinate Castro. He thought that Cubans who were trained to work in Mafia-controlled hotels were just itching for the opportunity to orchestrate a Batista comeback and to recover their lost jobs. Lansky used every political contact he had in effort to convince the CIA that the time was ripe for a Cuban counter-revolution, but his pleas were overwhelmingly ignored. "He tried hard to persuade the CIA agents that he could have Fidel removed, and he told them that he was quite prepared to finance the operation himself. But Meyer got no encouragement from them, and he was very depressed when they said there was no possibility of anyone giving him the go-ahead for such a plan." The FBI could have easily indicted and convicted Meyer Lansky, having intercepted intelligence which was substantive enough to unquestionably place "Meyer Lansky in the United States underworld." FBI evidence against Lansky was detailed and conclusive because taped conversations had disclosed the fact that Lansky was the recipient of money skimmed-off from Las Vegas casinos. Instead of prosecuting Lansky, Hoover cleverly granted him immunity through the legal loophole; "The evidence uncovered by these wire intercepts was all collected without court authorization and thus is inadmissible in American courts." Criminals like Former FBI agent Gordon Liddy, who has clearly indicated that Hoover's FBI created the false impression that it went by the "book" said; "The underlying theme in all our courses on law investigation and forensic science was always to appear to go by the 'book,' the manual of rules and regulations, and to be able to document that appearance. Without being stated in so many words, however, the message to new agents was clear; the Bureau expected us to one primary 'do' and one overriding 'don't': Do succeed; get the job done. To this end we were always to 'dominate the situation' and use our 'initiative and resourcefulness.'" The implications of the sinister fact that Hoover used the FBI and the Mafia to "get the job done" are extremely disturbing and needless to say, events were dominated by the need to cover up the truth. For example, we already covered the fact that the only reason the public found out about CIA/Mafia plots to murder Castro was to further J. Edgar Hoover's interests. Likewise, in 1967, the need to protect criminals from prosecution re-emerged because the Warren Report had been widely discredited and President Johnson needed a new source of diversion from the truth. Consequently, Lyndon Johnson promoted the sensational allegation that John F. Kennedy was running a "murder incorporated in the Caribbean." In fact, it was Hoover's FBI, Richard Nixon and the Mafia that actively and aggressively engaged covert efforts to assassinate Fidel Castro. In retrospect, it is rather astounding that Richard Nixon's lifelong habit of using Cuban exiles to further his interests, is still largely a mystery. On June 17, 1972, five men, including Cuban exiles, were arrested for breaking into the Watergate office building headquarters of the Democratic Party's national committee. This was not an isolated incident, it was the tip of the iceburg. Richard Nixon, his Cuban friends and intelligence contacts had a history which spanned the years 1959-1994. Watergate was the tip of the iceburg, The Kennedy assassination was the biggest scandal, and Nixon's lesser knows "Cuban friends" Cuban friends (including the Doorman at the Dakota) were connected to the "assassination" of John Lennon. Needless to say, secrecy and deception has produced a huge disjoint between the official record and the truth. Suffice to say, in effort to pierce at least some of the secrecy, it is perhaps important to note that Nixon's absolute obsession to assassinate Castro made him one of the key players of what Johnson had called "murder incorporated". According to public disclosure, Nixon's pal, Hoover was officially "in the dark", but as early as October 18 1960, Hoover was evidently so well versed about assassination plots against Castro that information flowed from the office of the Director of the FBI, to the CIA and not the other way around. Eisenhower was still the President and Nixon was the Vice President who was heavily involved in planning Bay of Pigs-style plots when J. Edgar Hoover wrote memorandums to Richard Bissell of the CIA, to keep him informed. Initiators and volunteers of anti-Castro assassination plots were individual anti-Castro fanatics, like J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli, Frank Sturgis, Howard Hunt, Robert Maheau and the like. Even John McCone, Kennedy’s new Director of the CIA did not know a thing about the CIA/Mafia plots to assassinate Castro until he read about it in the Chicago Sun-Times. It is also important to further understand how the Mafia was able to engage such plots without interference from law enforcement. In the 1950's, FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover formed a committee to determine and document the nonexistence of organized crime. The reason behind the concern to shield the Mafia from prosecution was very clear. Hoover would sometimes travel to Manhatten, where he would meet mobster Frank Costello in Central Park. The relationship between Hoover and Costello, the reputed "prime-minister" of the Mafia, cemented wider alliance with Mobsters which included Carlos Marcello. When the Justice Department launched an anti-organized crime campaign in the late 1950's, Hoover deliberately thwarted efforts to secure prosecutions. The police arrested 60 mobsters who were meeting at Apalachin in 1957, but "Hoover systematically undermined Justice Department efforts to build criminal prosecutions against the mobsters netted at Apalachin. It was whispered at headquarters that Hoover had deliberately impeded the Justice Department investigation, and in any event agents clearly understood that any failure experienced on that assignment would not jeopardize career prospects." Organized crime simply did not exist, as far as Hoover publicly claimed, and the poweer of his Mafia allies flourished. Groomed by Costello, Marcello inherited and cultivated unopposed power. In the 1940's the two mobsters had moved Costello's illegal slot machine operation from New York to New Orleans where comprehensive payoff schemes had produced a safe haven for organized crime. Law enforcement ignored Mafia bosses and called them legitimate businessmen, enabling them to solidify their influence through the power to terrify, to murder and to corrupt. Marcello's reputation as a brutal killer who decomposed his victims in a tub of lye before pouring them into his own 178-acre tract of swampland, was well deserved. In 1970, Life magazine exposed the fact that Marcello had acquired a huge 6400 acre swampland property known as Churchill farms and had convinced Louisiana state to dike and drain the land at the taxpayers expense. The hand-to-pocket set up between Mafia Boss Carlos Marcello and state authorities was extremely lucrative. The ties ran deep. Remarkably, the alliance between Hoover, Lansky and New York gangster, Frank Costello went back to at least the 1930's when Lansky and Costello dominated the illegal off-track betting market and gamblers like Hoover used their services. Seymour Pollock, a former Lansky associate and other acquaintances exposed the longstanding relationship. The Kennedy Justice Department tried to undermine the "Fix" or the cosy relationship between the Mafia and corrupt public officials but when Robert Kennedy tried to force Hoover to declare war on organized crime the Director of the FBI simply paid lip service to the call, to get the Kennedys off his back. As soon as Johnson became President, the war against organized crime died. Johnson's crime commission invariably determined that corruption at every level of government was a fact of life, but instead of declaring war on crime, powerful political pressure moved in to censor rather than to expose evidence of corruption. The sinister consequence of corruption is that it shifts the focus away from legitimate law enforcement policy and towards the ongoing need to cover up the truth. “If the Fix is the Mob's most useful tool, the Cover-Up is of equal importance to public officials who allow themselves to be Fixed or who ignore Fixes." Given Hoover-directed influence, it is not surprising that according to FBI sources, ruthless murderers like Mafia Crime Boss Carlos Marcello was a "legitimate businessman." Indeed, the FBI field office in New Orleans, documented the claim that he was a simple "tomato salesman." Carlos Marcello was a valued ally in the war against Communism and that is yet another reason Hoover did everything in his power to make his existence as comfortable as possible. The paltry resources devoted to the task of fighting organized crime made prosecution rare. In 1959, the FBI New York office had over four hundred agents who worked on communism while only four were assigned to organized crime and their responsibility was not to prosecute mobsters but to perform "in-office bookkeeping" chores collating such routine information as the whereabouts of known racketeers. In 1962, Attorney General Robert Kennedy "sent his federal prosecutors a list of gangsters to be investigated, stipulating that the list be held in strict secrecy within the Department of Justice." Despite Kennedy's instructions, a copy of the list turned up in a Michigan Avenue office used by Mafia boss Sam Giancana and his associates. Hoover clearly defined, every citizen in the United States on his own terms. You were either a "true American" or a "Communist" and the criterion for determining one from the other was as follows; "America's emblem is the soaring eagle-not the blind and timid mole. Fear, apologies, defeatism, and cowardice are alien to the thinking of true Americans! As for me, I would rather be dead than red!" Theoretically, the FBI was the investigative arm of the Justice Department, but as long as Hoover was in charge, the FBI was essentially a criminal enterprise. J. Edgar Hoover was even the engine behind Senator Joseph McCarthy's vulgar crusade. According to former FBI Agent, William Sullivan, who died in a hunting accident: "We were the ones who made the McCarthy hearings possible. We fed McCarthy all the material that he was using". Sullivan was unequivocal about FBI involvement: "I know what we were doing, I worked on it myself. At the same time, we were telling the public that we had nothing to do with it." McCarthyite witch-hunts targeted millions of blameless Americans who were victims of illegal FBI intrusions and while the lives and careers of ordinary American citizens were disrupted, dislocated and destroyed without cause, Hoover fraudulently maintained the image he was America's crimebuster. William Sullivan even offered a candid glimpse into Hoover's mind-set when he said; "The things he [Hoover] hated, he hated all his life. He didn't vacillate any. He hated liberalism, he hated blacks, he hated Jews-he had this great long list of hates. Anybody that had any liberal views was persona non grata. He called them pseudo liberals, but he pronounced it 'swaydo'. It was always 'swaydo', and nobody dared to correct his pronunciation. As far as he was concerned, there was never a real, genuine, sincere liberal or intellectual." Hoover always acted like he was above the law and exercised power without limit or restraint. Even the restrictive legal mandate which forbade Hoover the power to combat communism outside of the United States, was ignored by the Director of the FBI. Having secretly installed FBI agents in at least twenty foreign countries, Hoover circumvented the fact that intelligence-gathering abroad was a CIA responsibility and the master spook had effectively penetrated what was supposed to be exclusive, CIA territory. Obsessed by the belief that America's primary responsibility was to mobilize every single resource in the effort to obliterate Communism, Hoover developed and promoted a concept of legality which was strictly linked to his peculiar view of the national security, and that is why Hoover did what he did. Historian Arthur M. Schlesinger defined the world Hoover created in the following terms; "Intelligence agencies, sealed off by walls of secrecy from the rest of the community, tend to form societies of their own. Prolonged immersion in the self-contained, self-justifying, ultimately hallucinatory world of clandestinity and deception erodes the reality principle. So intelligence operatives, in the CIA as well as the FBI, had begun to see themselves as the appointed guardians of the Republic infinitely more devoted and knowledgeable than transient elected officials, morally authorized to do on their own whatever they believed the nation's security demanded. Let others interfere at their peril." And that is the context that made the Kennedy Assassination cover up almost impossible to unravel.
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